About New Home Construction

Building a new family home is a journey we are proud to take with each of our partner families as we work together to construct affordable housing in our community. Selected families or individuals learn building from the ground up as they invest 250 hours each of sweat equity, or time worked, alongside Habitat crew and volunteers on their homes. Upon completion, a family has gained valuable skills and knowledge and a secure financial future as they close on an affordable mortgage through Habitat. 

Wondering more about the process and if you are good fit for this opportunity? Read through our FAQ's below to learn more and find out how to apply.

“My advice to a future homeowner would be “what seems impossible now will always be possible when you believe the strength that lies within you”.

~Jane Hodge, 107th Habitat homeowner

Miranda Kramer, partner family 109, groundbreaking
Marquette County Habitat for Humanity